Bananas! Empire Edition




Please enter a name to begin.

Welcome back, .
You currently have bananas.
You've produced bananas so far.


You have 0 bananas

Bananas per second: 0

You've produced 0 bananas so far.


First Banana First Banana
Produce one banana.
KiloBanana KiloBanana
Produce one thousand bananas. Unlocks Gambling.
MegaBanana MegaBanana
Produce one million bananas.
GigaBanana GigaBanana
Produce one billion bananas.
TeraBanana TeraBanana
Produce one trillion bananas.
PetaBanana PetaBanana
Produce one quadrillion bananas.
ExaBanana ExaBanana
Produce one quintillion bananas.
ZettaBanana ZettaBanana
Produce one sextillion bananas.
YottaBanana YottaBanana
Produce one septillion bananas.
Clicker Clicker
Click the banana 100 times.
Great Clicker Great Clicker
Click the banana 1000 times.
Super Clicker Super Clicker
Click the banana 10,000 times.
DecaPowered DecaPowered
Reach a clicking power of 10.
HectoPowered HectoPowered
Reach a clicking power of 100.
KiloPowered KiloPowered
Reach a clicking power of 1000.
MegaPowered MegaPowered
Reach a clicking power of 1 million.
GigaPowered GigaPowered
Reach a clicking power of 1 billion.
TeraPowered TeraPowered
Reach a clicking power of 1 trillion.
PetaPowered PetaPowered
Reach a clicking power of 1 quadrillion.
KiloProduction KiloProduction
Reach a production level of one thousand bananas per second.
MegaProduction MegaProduction
Reach a production level of one million bananas per second.
GigaProduction GigaProduction
Reach a production level of one bilion bananas per second.
TeraProduction TeraProduction
Reach a production level of one trillion bananas per second.
PetaProduction PetaProduction
Reach a production level of one quadrillion bananas per second.
ExaProduction ExaProduction
Reach a production level of one quintillion bananas per second.
ZettaProduction ZettaProduction
Reach a production level of one sextillion bananas per second.
YottaProduction YottaProduction
Reach a production level of one septillion bananas per second.
One Tree One Tree
Buy a tree.
Ten Trees Ten Trees
Buy ten trees.
Fifty Trees Fifty Trees
Buy fifty trees.
Hundred Trees Hundred Trees
Buy a hundred trees.
One Monkey One Monkey
Buy a monkey.
Ten Monkeys Ten Monkeys
Buy ten monkeys.
Fifty Monkeys Fifty Monkeys
Buy fifty monkeys.
Hundred Monkeys Hundred Monkeys
Buy a hundred monkeys.
One Farm One Farm
Buy a farm.
Ten Farms Ten Farms
Buy ten farms.
Fifty Farms Fifty Farms
Buy fifty farms.
Hundred Farms Hundred Farms
Buy a hundred farms.
One Boat One Boat
Buy a boat.
Ten Boats Ten Boats
Buy ten boats.
Fifty Boats Fifty Boats
Buy fifty boats.
Hundred Boats Hundred Boats
Buy a hundred boats.
One Rare Tree One Rare Tree
Buy a rare tree.
Ten Rare Trees Ten Rare Trees
Buy ten rare trees.
Fifty Rare Trees Fifty Rare Trees
Buy fifty rare trees.
Hundred Rare Trees Hundred Rare Trees
Buy a hundred rare trees.
One Wizard One Wizard
Buy a wizard.
Ten Wizards Ten Wizards
Buy ten wizards.
Fifty Wizards Fifty Wizards
Buy fifty wizards.
Hundred Wizards Hundred Wizards
Buy a hundred wizards.
One Rare Tree Farm One Rare Tree Farm
Buy a rare tree farm.
Ten Rare Tree Farms Ten Rare Tree Farms
Buy ten rare tree farms.
Fifty Rare Tree Farms Fifty Rare Tree Farms
Buy fifty rare tree farms.
Hundred Rare Tree Farms Hundred Rare Tree Farms
Buy a hundred rare tree farms.
One Factory One Factory
Buy a factory.
Ten Factories Ten Factories
Buy ten factories.
Fifty Factories Fifty Factories
Buy fifty factories.
Hundred Factories Hundred Factories
Buy a hundred factories.
One Beam One Beam
Buy a beam.
Ten Beams Ten Beams
Buy ten beams.
Fifty Beams Fifty Beams
Buy fifty beams.
Hundred Beams Hundred Beams
Buy a hundred beams.
One Centrifuge One Centrifuge
Buy a centrifuge.
Ten Centrifuges Ten Centrifuges
Buy ten centrifuges.
Fifty Centrifuges Fifty Centrifuges
Buy fifty centrifuges.
Hundred Centrifuges Hundred Centrifuges
Buy a hundred centrifuges.
One Lab One Lab
Buy a lab.
Ten Labs Ten Labs
Buy ten labs.
Fifty Labs Fifty Labs
Buy fifty labs.
Hundred Labs Hundred Labs
Buy a hundred labs.
One Transmutater One Transmutater
Buy a transmutater.
Ten Transmutaters Ten Transmutaters
Buy ten transmutaters.
Fifty Transmutaters Fifty Transmutaters
Buy fifty transmutaters.
Hundred Transmutaters Hundred Transmutaters
Buy a hundred transmutaters.
One Coil One Coil
Buy a coil.
Ten Coils Ten Coils
Buy ten coils.
Fifty Coils Fifty Coils
Buy fifty coils.
Hundred Coils Hundred Coils
Buy a hundred coils.
One Quantum Generator One Quantum Generator
Buy a quantum generator.
Ten Quantum Generators Ten Quantum Generators
Buy ten quantum generators.
Fifty Quantum Generators Fifty Quantum Generators
Buy fifty quantum generators.
Hundred Quantum Generators Hundred Quantum Generators
Buy a hundred quantum generators.
One Time Machine One Time Machine
Buy a time machine.
Ten Time Machines Ten Time Machines
Buy ten time machines.
Fifty Time Machines Fifty Time Machines
Buy fifty time machines.
Hundred Time Machines Hundred Time Machines
Buy a hundred time machines.
One God One God
Summon Peelout.
Ten Gods Ten Gods
Summon ten gods.
Fifty Gods Fifty Gods
Summon fifty gods.
Hundred Gods Hundred Gods
Summon a hundred gods.
Regular Customer Regular Customer
Make one hundred purchases.
Top-tier Customer Top-tier Customer
Make one thousand purchases.
Customer Hall of Fame Customer Hall of Fame
Make ten thousand purchases.
KiloSpender KiloSpender
Spend a total of 1 thousand bananas.
MegaSpender MegaSpender
Spend a total of 1 million bananas.
GigaSpender GigaSpender
Spend a total of 1 billion bananas.
TeraSpender TeraSpender
Spend a total of 1 trillion bananas.
PetaSpender PetaSpender
Spend a total of 1 quadrillion bananas.
ExaSpender ExaSpender
Spend a total of 1 quintillion bananas.
ZettaSpender ZettaSpender
Spend a total of 1 sextillion bananas.
YottaSpender YottaSpender
Spend a total of 1 septillion bananas.
Stay a minute Stay a minute
Play for one minute.
Stay a while Stay a while
Play for half an hour.
Banana Hour Banana Hour
Play for an hour.
Extended Banana Hour Extended Banana Hour
Play for four hours.
10 Hours of Bananas 10 Hours of Bananas
Play for ten hours.
Banana Day Banana Day
Play for twenty-four hours.
Gambler Gambler
Bet some of your bananas.
Brave Gambler Brave Gambler
Bet all of your bananas.
Successful Gambler Successful Gambler
Win something while gambling.
Break Even Break Even
Gamble without winning or losing.
Gambling Failure Gambling Failure
Lose something while gambling.
Ruined Ruined
Lose all your bananas to gambling.
Banana Forest Banana Forest
Start getting trees from the Banana Forest.
Banana Jungle Banana Jungle
Start getting monkeys from the Banana Jungle.
Banana Farmland Banana Farmland
Start making farms out of Banana Farmland.
Banana Fleet Banana Fleet
Start leasing boats from the Banana Fleet.
Banana Mutation Solution Banana Mutation Solution
Start mutating rare trees with the Mutation Solution.
Bananawarts Academy Bananawarts Academy
Start hiring wizard graduates from Bananawarts Academy.
Mutative Farmland Mutative Farmland
Start growing rare trees on Mutative Farmland.
Banana Road Initiative Banana Road Initiative
Start building factories in accordance with the Banana Road Initiative.
Banana Laser Artillery Banana Laser Artillery
Start using Banana Laser Artillery to improve your beam output.
Centrifuge Factories Centrifuge Factories
Start producing centrifuges from the Centrifuge Factories.
Banana Research Program Banana Research Program
Start employing scientists as part of the Banana Research Program.
Forbidden Alchemy Forbidden Alchemy
Start using Forbidden Alchemy to produce bananas.
Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Reactors
Start powering your coils with Nuclear Reactors.
Quantum Destabilization Quantum Destabilization
Start using Quantum Destabilization to produce more bananas.
Multipathway Time Travel Multipathway Time Travel
Start taking bananas from multiple timelines and parallel universes.
Tree Enhancement Tree Enhancement
Enhance your trees.
Monkey Enhancement Monkey Enhancement
Enhance your monkeys.
Farm Enhancement Farm Enhancement
Enhance your farms.
Boat Enhancement Boat Enhancement
Enhance your boats.
Rare Tree Enhancement Rare Tree Enhancement
Enhance your rare trees.
Wizard Enhancement Wizard Enhancement
Enhance your wizards.
Rare Tree Farm Enhancement Rare Tree Farm Enhancement
Enhance your rare tree farms.
Factory Enhancement Factory Enhancement
Enhance your factories.
Beam Enhancement Beam Enhancement
Enhance your beams.
Centrifuge Enhancement Centrifuge Enhancement
Enhance your centrifuges.
Lab Enhancement Lab Enhancement
Enhance your labs.
Transmutater Enhancement Transmuater Enhancement
Enhance your transmutaters.
Coil Enhancement Coil Enhancement
Enhance your coils.
Quantum Enhancement Quantum Enhancement
Enhance your quantum generators.
Time Machine Enhancement Time Machine Enhancement
Enhance your time machines.
Tree Refinement Tree Refinement
Enhance your trees twice.
Monkey Refinement Monkey Refinement
Enhance your monkeys twice.
Farm Refinement Farm Refinement
Enhance your farms twice.
Boat Refinement Boat Refinement
Enhance your boats twice.
Rare Tree Refinement Rare Tree Refinement
Enhance your rare trees twice.
Wizard Refinement Wizard Refinement
Enhance your wizards twice.
Rare Tree Farm Refinement Rare Tree Farm Refinement
Enhance your rare tree farms twice.
Factory Refinement Factory Refinement
Enhance your factories twice.
Beam Refinement Beam Refinement
Enhance your beams twice.
Centrifuge Refinement Centrifuge Refinement
Enhance your centrifuges twice.
Lab Refinement Lab Refinement
Enhance your labs twice.
Transmutater Refinement Transmutater Refinement
Enhance your transmutaters twice.
Coil Refinement Coil Refinement
Enhance your coils twice.
Quantum Refinement Quantum Refinement
Enhance your quantum generators twice.
Time Machine Refinement Time Machine Refinement
Enhance your time machines twice.
Tree Perfection Tree Perfection
Enhance your trees five times.
Monkey Perfection Monkey Perfection
Enhance your monkeys five times.
Farm Perfection Farm Perfection
Enhance your farms five times.
Boat Perfection Boat Perfection
Enhance your boats five times.
Rare Tree Perfection Rare Tree Perfection
Enhance your rare trees five times.
Wizard Perfection Wizard Perfection
Enhance your wizards five times.
Rare Tree Farm Perfection Rare Tree Farm Perfection
Enhance your rare tree farms five times.
Factory Perfection Factory Perfection
Enhance your factorieos five times.
Beam Perfection Beam Perfection
Enhance your beams five times.
Centrifuge Perfection Centrifuge Perfection
Enhance your centrifuges five times.
Lab Perfection Lab Perfection
Enhance your labs five times.
Transmutater Perfection Transmutater Perfection
Enhance your transmutaters five times.
Coil Perfection Coil Perfection
Enhance your coils five times.
Quantum Perfection Quantum Perfection
Enhance your quantums five times.
Time Machine Perfection Time Machine Perfection
Enhance your time machines five times.

Save Data

Now Playing: Nothing

0% 100%

SFX Volume:

0% 100%


Somebody's Bananas

Game Saved!
Bananas! Empire Edition: Remastered
©2020 Andrew Wang, Bananas R&D

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Where am I? What is this? Who are you?

Don't worry, . All will make sense soon.

What do you mean?

I shall explain. I am Peelout, the Banana God. You have entered the realm of Potas.

The realm of Potas?

Yes. Mortals know not of it, but your dedication to bananas has brought you here before me.

I just wanted to make some more bananas...

And that want for bananas has led you up to this point. Tell me, young soul. What is it that drives you to do all this? To make bananas? To hire monkeys and wizards? To pursue the most advanced of scientific research?

...I don't know.

You have not an answer for me?

I don't have an answer. I was just bored.

Very well, then. Perhaps if I recount the history of your plane, you will recall your purpose.

...Okay, then.

It all began so very long ago, when I awoke. I found myself in an empty world, one devoid of purpose. I, however, was the sole being. The sole semblance of purpose. And I knew that I was to create a world, one in which some would flourish.

You created the world?

Yes, I did. I shaped the earth, the heavens, and the oceans. I shaped the trees, the animals, the plants, the humans. But I was bored. I craved entertainment higher than the workings of nature.

Did you not have anyone else with you?

Oh, I was but the first of the gods. Of course some other gods would come to appear.

Are they not entertaining enough?

If I must be honest, they were nuisances. Nuisances skilled in creation and management, but nuisances nonetheless. Hence, I left them in charge of your realm's affairs, and departed for this other plane.

And so you came here to be in peace...

Yes. But the cruel mistress of Time marched on, and I began to succumb to the scourge of boredom. O, one can only entertain one's self for so long.

So then what did you do?

I created you, of course!

You created... me?

Yes! I destined you to inherit this world. Of course, I never told you that. But you remember having heard a voice speaking to you, no? One many years ago?

I... think I remember...

Tell me, , what did it say?

It said...
"Go on, , go and begin to create. Create bananas. Start a farm. Run a business. A republic. An empire. Make this a planet of bananas... For you are the lone traveler of this path..."

Ah, yes. That was me. Though I never told you that you were to inherit this world, I still gave you a direction to begin your training. O, look how far you've come! I believe you may be ready soon...

To inherit the world?

Perhaps not yet the whole world... but I believe that you are ready for something else. You are special, in that you have the potential to create anything you wish. Of course, this skill must be trained, but look how far you've come on just bananas! Perhaps you are ready for this...

Ready for what?

I bestow upon you... the title of a Banana Demigod. Not yet one of my posse, but I have faith in your ability. Go on, continue your training. Continue making bananas.


Is something wrong?

...I don't know how to feel about this.

Don't worry. You need not leave your loved ones behind. You will still be one of your own mortal plane, but I bestow upon you the ability to call on both myself and my posse, to generate bananas. Keep going with your banana ambititons, go as far as you want. I'll be waiting for you when you've ascended.


...Still speechless?

...I think I can feel my destiny. To become a Creator, like you. But for now, I think I'll focus on bananas. The rest of this can come later.

Good. Now go forth, ! Your realm awaits you!

Congratulations on completing Bananas! Empire Edition: Remastered!